The Crucial Role of Sterilization in Piercing

Getting a piercing is all about expressing yourself, but here's a not so secret behind-the-scenes secret: sterilization is your bodyguard in the world of piercings.

Before you step into a studio this is what you need to know:

The Autoclave
In reputable piercing studios, we use a medical-grade autoclave to sterilize our jewelry and reusable instruments. This remarkable device cranks up the heat to extremely high levels, effectively wiping out all bacteria and microorganisms on the items. The sterilization process typically lasts for about 30-60 minutes, depending on the autoclave. But that's not all; before the sterilization magic happens, we meticulously clean everything in a special solution, rinse it thoroughly, and ensure it's completely dry and only then let the autoclave do its job.
Remember, just giving things a quick dip in a solution or a spritz of disinfectant doesn't cut it when it comes to sterilization.

Sterilization HQ
Does the studio have a separate spot for sterilizing their tools? That's a good sign they take safety seriously and it is a must if they want to pass inspections. In Lithuania the autoclave has to be near a sink. If you're not sure/can't see something - don't be shy and ask for a tour. If they're proud of their place and practices, they'll show you around.

Sharps Containers
These aren't your regular trash cans. They're the retirement homes for used needles. Every piercing room should have one with a spooky biohazard symbol. That symbol means they're serious about not reusing needles. Sharps containers come in various sizes and styles, but the primary goal is to ensure that sharp objects are contained securely to prevent accidental needle-sticks or injuries.


Before getting a piercing check if the studio has its paperwork in order. Do they have the right licenses and permits? You can check Lithuanian permits here: by typing in the address of the studio (every address has to have a separate permit, so even if you search and find one with your artists name doesn't mean they have one in their current workplace).

Disinfection vs. Sterilization
Think of disinfection like using a good cleaner. It does a decent job of getting rid of most germs, which definitely makes the area safer. But here's the catch: disinfection might not be able to completely wipe out all types of germs, especially those tough, resistant ones like stubborn bacteria or viruses. When it comes to piercings, where your skin's involved, relying only on disinfection might not be the safest bet because there could still be some risks lingering around. That's why a reliable piercer will take sterilization seriously – it's like a no-questions-asked germ wipeout, ensuring the highest level of cleanliness and safety for your piercing.

So, when you're thinking about getting a piercing, remember that the glam starts with safety, hygiene, and a studio that's got your back.


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